A variety of Positions to bed is good for pregnant women
A good sleep position for pregnant women a lot the subject
of the discussion on various discussion forums. Because of a woman with other women sometimes feel different things. There
is a comfortable sleep with any position, but some are not able to sleep
because the beds are not comfortable with the positioning of any kind. When
pregnancy is still running on early trimester, generally an expectant mother
can still sleep comfortably with the
positioning of any kind. However, generally feeling anxious and uncomfortable
while sleeping is starting to appear when the gestational age is already
stepping in the second trimester. But the pregnant women need not worry, because it
turns out that the body of pregnant women already automatically provide
protection for the fetus in the womb. And then actually had to sleep position
such as whether women who are pregnant? And how to make the stay comfortable
and sleep soundly despite being pregnant? More explanation we have an auto-summary in reviews here.
A good Sleep position for pregnant women so that the content
is safe
As we have already delivered it earlier, the body of a
pregnant woman will automatically protect a fetus in the womb. The fact that
the fetus is in the womb, the mother ever never felt uncomfortable being in the
moment. The fetus can move freely because of
the content of his position the float in the amniotic fluid. However, in order
to keep your content secure, you also should not be neglected though when
sleeping. Therefore when you are going to sleep, try sleeping with three
positions here.
Prone turned out to be one of the good sleeping positions
for pregnant young and fairly safe for the unborn child. But it turns out that
the position of the prone this can also
result in pregnant women are less comfortable when sleeping. Because when the
first trimester, women will experience breast enlargement. And usually, early in the pregnancy, the breasts of women will feel more sensitive. It's what
makes women less comfortable to sleep in the position of prone although this position is safe enough for
the content. But if the stomach is already starting to dilate the week start
with the position of the prone already
started uncomfortably.
When gestational age began more than 14 weeks, the stomach
usually starts to dilate. Thus the position of sleeping prone is no longer a good sleeping position
for pregnant women. Then whether to sleep in
a supine position? But in fact not too,
because when a woman sleeping in a position supine
uterus will be charged on the intestines and the vena cava inferior. Therefore
when the uterus is enlarged and is getting increasingly heavy, sleep with supine position turns out to also be making
pregnant women at-risk hit by lumbago or digestive disorders.
Sleeping with the supine
position when the gestational age is already stepping in the second trimester also
turns out more is not recommended anymore. Because this condition can affect
your blood pressure enough even to risk disrupting breathing. While sleeping
positions with supine, a pregnant woman
can experience headaches because of blood
pressure down. But for pregnant women who experience high blood pressure, it
turns out that this position is also not recommended. Then what kind of
position is safe for pregnant women in addition to prone?
Bedroom with sloping position into a good sleep position for
pregnant women. In fact, it could be said
that sleep is tilted position the best sleep while pregnant. So when you start
to feel less comfortable with sleeping in the prone
position, sleep position. Especially if your stomach is getting enlarged. Sleep
by tilting to the left, because it turns out that when a pregnant woman
sleeping with a position slanting to the left, the baby will get blood flow and
also the maximum nutrition intake from the mother through the placenta.
Sleeping with the left-leaning
position for pregnant women also can help the performance of the kidneys to
remove remnants of fluids in the body. This gives a positive impact on the body because it can reduce the swelling on the feet and hands of pregnant
women. But that does not mean you should not sleep facing to the right. You may
change the position remain skewed to the right if you are less comfortable to
sleep facing to the left.
Then if you woke up in the night and you realize that you're
sleeping in the supine position, is it dangerous? Calm and there is no need to
panic when you realize that you're sleeping in a position supine. Make haste to change the position of
Your bed to sleep position is good for pregnant women, i.e. leaning position to
the left or to the right again to your liking.
What if it turns out you don't realize you're sleeping and supine in a long time? You also don't need to
worry because as the size of the stomach is already starting to dilate, usually
will make pregnant women frequently experience false contractions, cramps, like
to urinate, or felt the baby kicking stomach. Thus pregnant women seem to be
given a signal to awaken and immediately change the position of his sleep.
Tips So That Pregnant Women Can Sleep Soundly
Now you already know how good sleeping positions for
pregnant women — especially in the early and mid-period
of the pregnancy. However, although his position is correct, often pregnant
women still find it difficult to close my eyes and sleep. It could then make
pregnant women less break due to staying up late. But in conditions of
pregnant, a woman should rest with enough so that the immune system is not
In addition to the sleeping
position is good for pregnant women, while being with a woman is advised to
sleep during 7-9 hours. And if you sleep less than 6 hours, it can affect blood
pressure. Then how do I so that pregnant women can be fixed easily, sleep
soundly and comfortably?
First, try your bathroom with warm water first. Or at least
You wash your body with warm water to relax
muscles of the body. You can also use SOAP aroma of jasmine or lavender because
the scent can make you more relaxed after the bath. Before the position, comfortable bed for you, drink a
glass of milk is first pregnant women. Paslanya tryptophan amino acid content in
milk can help you sleep more easily and resting peacefully.
So a brief explanation that we could tell about how good sleeping positions for pregnant women and
also about how the tips so that pregnant women can sleep soundly. Thus
hopefully this short article can be inspiring and useful for those of you who
read. Thank you.
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