Find out how Normal blood sugar levels and how to prevent them

Many people wonder about how to calculate the normal blood sugar levels. Normal blood sugar levels are not counted but compared to the range of sugar levels that have been set by the health agency that is recognized internationally. It's easy, you must know in advance how your blood sugar levels which can be known from the various kinds of blood examination. After knowing your blood sugar levels, compared with blood sugar levels of WHO. But diagnosing diabetes is not as simple as comparing the sugar levels only. Follow this article reviews to add to your knowledge about normal blood sugar levels.

How To Find Out Blood Sugar Levels

The only way that most standard to find out blood sugar levels is with your blood checked in the laboratory to see how sugar levels in your blood. It's easy, just need a few ml laboratory bloods you as samples will be examined in the laboratory. After waiting a few minutes or hours, the laboratory data will get your blood sugar levels.
Talking about the known test for blood sugar levels, you should know the kinds of blood sugar checks. There are four checks sugar levels that can be done. I.e. blood sugar when fasting blood sugar, blood sugar, 2 hours after a meal and an examination of the levels of HbA1C.

When blood sugar. Examination of blood sugar levels is the easiest and simple. To perform this examination, you don't need to do a fasting preparation. True to its name, while your blood sugar can be checked at any time regardless of when you last ate. This inspection can be a rough reference for diagnosing diabetes mellitus at once be a tool of daily blood sugar control that you can do.

Fasting blood sugar. It is the examination of blood sugar levels with the preparation of the fast. What is meant by fasting is you shouldn't be eating and drinking during time 8 hours before checking blood sugar levels. The results of examination of the fasting blood sugar levels are more reliable than blood sugar during. Usually, a fasting blood sugar checks will proceed with the examination of blood glucose 2 hours after a meal.

Blood glucose 2 hours after a meal. The checks are also widely used to diagnose diabetes and also check if the insulin or drugs are given doctors already in just the right doses. To check blood sugar levels two hours after eating, you have to fast for 8 hours before doing this test. Typically your blood will be taken in advance to determine fast blood sugar levels. After that, you are given food or sugar water. Two hours after eating, your blood will be taken again to do the examination again. The test is also useful to look at the response of the body against the sugar that goes into the blood.

HbA1c. Examination of blood sugar levels is the most modern and can be objectively referenced

This examination aims to look at average sugar levels Daran You for 3 months. Examined here is a bit different from the other three checks above. This examination is quite reliable for seeing the success of therapy and lifestyle changes You for 3 months back.

The Limitations Of Normal Blood Sugar Levels

To find out if blood sugar levels to normal or not, you should compare your blood sugar levels with standard normal blood sugar levels are compiled by the World Health Organization or WHO. Values that do not meet this range refers to the two conditions, i.e. diabetes and prediabetes disease. These are the normal values for each method of calculating blood sugar levels:

When blood sugar: 200 mg/dL <

When blood sugar levels when you reach 200 followed by the typical symptoms of diabetes such as frequent urination, frequent thirst, often feel hunger and other symptoms, then you suffer from diabetes.

Fasting blood sugar: < 100 mg/dL

When your fasting blood sugar levels indicate numbers above 126 mg/dL then you can already diagnose with diabetes. Fasting blood sugar levels between 100 to 126 mg/dL fall into the prediabetes and that people are required to make changes in lifestyle and diet so as not to fall into a State of diabetes.

Blood glucose 2 hours after a meal: < 140 mg/dL

When blood glucose 2 hours after eating You above 200 mg/dL, then suffering from diabetes. If the test result shows a number between 140-200 mg/dL, this guy falls into the category of prediabetes and must make changes in lifestyle and diet to prevent diabetes.

HbA1c: 5.7% <

Numbers above HbA1C 6.5% indicates that you are suffering from diabetes. While the numbers between 5.7%-6.5% fall into the categories of prediabetes and must make changes in lifestyle and diet to prevent diabetes.

How To Keep Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Maintain normal blood sugar levels is important, both for those who are healthy or have already fallen into the disease of diabetes. The excess blood sugar levels are not healthy for almost all the organs in the body. In contrast, blood sugar levels are a little too dangerous because it can create an organ is not optimally functional data. Here are tips for maintaining normal blood sugar levels:


Regular exercise such as walking, jogging or cycling a day 30-45: conducted routine proved can lower blood sugar levels. Physical activity can also help a work function and hormone insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the body.

Eating Patterns

Reduce sugary foods just aren't enough to keep blood sugar levels normal. You should also reduce consumption of carbohydrates contained in pasta, rice, bread, food made from flour and potatoes. You are also required to eat regularly in order to keep blood sugar levels in a stable State and not up and down dramatically. Don't forget to add the fiber in your diet.

Avoid Stress

Do not assume a paltry stress. When the body undergoes a pressure or mental or stress, there will be a hormone secreted the body. This banana hormone cortisol. Cortisol also is known as the stress hormone is used to stabilize the body in times of stress, but also raise blood sugar levels. Then, don't let yourself fall into a State of stress.

Dutifully Taking Medication

Many diabetic patients whose blood sugar levels reach obsessed with perfect humility. Surely this is the wrong perception because anything exaggeration will not bear good results. Follow the schedule of taking the drug, such as after meals or before eating, and don't add a dose of medication without consulting with your doctor. Blood sugar levels that are too low to have an effect that is more dangerous than the emergency and blood sugar levels are high.

Sweet Foods Readily

Always provide the sweets or sugary drinks near you, especially those who suffer from diabetes. Drug use is wrong, negligent use of the drug and excessive physical activity coupled with some drugs diabetes can lower blood sugar levels drastically. If you experience dizziness, cold sweat and heart pounding, waste samples snacks or drinks sweet drinks to restore your blood sugar levels.

Maintain normal blood sugar levels is a responsibility and awareness that should be owned by all individuals. After knowing normal blood sugar levels from a variety of checks, You can now apply the examination of blood sugar levels that you may have your own at home. Try it that you always achieve normal blood sugar levels to get a better quality of life.

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