Fruits should be consumed by pregnant women
At this time the article we will discuss the different
fruits for pregnant women should be consumed young. For those of you who are
young or undergo pregnancy first trimester is very nice to read this article as
knowledge in caring for and providing the best for your pregnancy. During
pregnancy is not allowed to arbitrarily in choosing fruit. Apples, grapes, and
strawberries include a very good fruit for consumption during the pregnant
young. But did you know that the pomegranate, pineapple, Durian or including
food causes a miscarriage so it should be avoided?
Pregnancy should be maintained as best as possible so that
the mother can be delivered smoothly and her baby was born with a less healthy
without anything. In addition to day-to-day activity must reduce by not working
too hard and lifting weights too heavy one, food consumption should also be
heeded. There is a variety of food that
will be very nice when it is consumed by a normal person is pregnant or not,
but it will give effect to the upside for those who are pregnant.
A great example is the pomegranate fruit, when it is
consumed in the normal situation, will be able to help lower your body and
fruit diet reduces the risk of diabetes or diabetes. Even purportedly can help
cure cancer. But be careful eating pomegranate fruit if you are pregnant. This
fruit can cause miscarriages if consumed in excess a little amount only. We
recommend that you avoid this fruit just to be safe. But can already sign in 2nd
trimester you can eat a little fruit.
Some kinds of fruit for pregnant Young
To get the maximum results should always try to eat fruits
that are still fresh or not mounted.
Consumption of fruits varied in taste is highly recommended. Pregnant
women need many kinds of nutrients, not all of them can be met only with
fruits. Vegetables, processed milk, and
seafood including good food for pregnant first trimester besides fruits. It
also includes nuts, which contain folic acid.
At this time the article we will discuss further on some
kinds of fruit to young expectant mothers who are highly recommended in order
to maintain the health of the mother and the fetus is in the womb. And here are
some of them.
Dragon Fruit
In recent years this fruit became popular among the public.
Behind the uniqueness of names and forms, apparently saving the Dragon fruit
health benefits for thousands of bodies. One of them is the efficacy for pregnant women. Dragon fruit which
is ripe the fruit turns out could help in
to remove the phlegm that is usually
often experienced by pregnant women. In addition to this type of Dragon fruit
is also one of a very rare fruit use pesticides so that safer consumed by the
pregnant mother.
Fruits for pregnant first trimester is the next Apple. As we
already know, Apple is one of the most popular fruit in the community. Not just
because it tastes delicious, but they also have many benefits for the health of
the body. The taste is sweet, slightly acidic and is usually consumed with the
Peel. Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C contained in apples along
with other contents rated very beneficial for pregnant women.
Fruit Wine
Furthermore, there is
a grape that is also one of the fruits of a young pregnant woman who is quite
recommended. The fruit is small, with a small seed and it seems that this sweet
rated rich in antioxidants that are able to prevent the incidence of cancer in
the human body. In addition to other content in grapes such as polyphenols and
also turns to resveratrol could help
launch the metabolism of the body and can be a source of energy for an
expectant mother.
Cherry Fruit
Cherry fruit is fruit size is also the size of a grape. But
their texture is softer and tastes sweet. The fact remains that cherry fruit
turns out to contain a folding 20 x more nutrients compared with apples or
oranges. So it's no wonder if the type of fruits for pregnant women is quite
recommended to consume the mother who pregnant
early. The content of iron, copper, manganese, calcium, and some other content in fruit cherry turns out to be
able to launch the digestion of the mother and baby makes the skin become more
healthy and white.
Syzygium Aqueum
Fruits for pregnant women is the next young jambu air. One
type of guava which is found in Southeast Asia. Existing content on Syzygium aqueum is believed capable of delivering
benefits for young pregnant women to launch the digestion of the mother and
helps optimize the performance of white blood cells. In addition, the content of vitamins A, C and also the water contained
in the Syzygium samarangense able to
overcome dehydration for people who be consumed.
Strawberry Fruit
Who does not know the unique red fruit with a sweet and sour
flavor? You also must very know this
fruit because it tastes so refreshing. Strawberry fruit containing several
vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin K, B6, B5 also gives a good effect on pregnant women. For those of you who wanted
her skin always looks fresh, consume
Strawberry fruit due to its vitamin C content is judged capable of refreshing
the skin. Fruits for pregnant women that young one is beneficial to stimulate
the mother eating talking lust and also prevent babies born premature or birth defects. Therefore becomes
one of Strawberry fruits for pregnant first trimester containing many benefits.
Avocado Fruit
For pregnant women, avocado fruit is very useful to reduce nausea that is usually felt pregnant women in
the first trimester. It tastes delicious and a lot of his content is also
beneficial to the development of the brain and spine of the fetus. In addition,
the Avocado include foods that contain folic acid which is good for the
development of intelligence of the fetus in the womb.
That's some kind of fruit to young expectant mothers many
benefits. Especially when the content is still in the age of the first
trimester. These fruits will help the mother to maintain her health and also
the health of the fetus until the time of birth.
Food for Young pregnant women Besides Fruits
In addition to several kinds of fruits for pregnant women
that last mentioned, some foods like cereals, a variety
of processed milk, fish, various kinds of beans, vitamins and also white water are extremely beneficial for the expectant
mother. For the pregnant women are advised to begin the day by taking fruit juices, fried rice, fried egg
or milk specifically for pregnant women. During the day of pregnant women are
advised to eat rice, fish, vegetable seasoning yellow, fried tempeh, equipped
with citrus fruits. As for the evenings, pregnant women can eat rice, corn,
fruit and vegetable fritter also special milk for pregnant women towards the
It last was some kinds of fruit to young pregnant women and
also some kind of good food is consumed while pregnant morning, noon and night.
The article this time may be useful.
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