Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is eating behavior disorder, a condition in which a person often consumes excessive amounts of food and feel unable to stop consuming food. Almost everyone is basically never consumed excess food occasionally. For example, take food at two to three times while on vacation. However, for some people, eating excess food that is perceived as detached from the control. And if this is the case, then the routine can be a sign of binge eating disorder.

When someone is experiencing a binge eating disorder, the person may feel ashamed because of his habit of eating excess and tried to stop. But later, the compulsive feeling can arise in which there is a boost that can not be put on hold. This eventually led to excess eating habits for continued.

When someone is experiencing a binge eating disorder, proper handling required to help overcome the urge.

The cause of the
Causes of binge eating disorder are not yet known for sure. However, a few things such as genetic, biological factors, diet, and long-term psychological problems can increase the risk for experiencing this condition.

Some factors that can increase the risk of experiencing a binge eating disorder are:

A family history. Someone has a higher likelihood to experience eating behavior disorders when having parents or siblings who are experiencing or have experienced eating behavior disorders. This may indicate that the inherited gene may increase the risk of disrupted eating behavior.
Psychological problems. Most people who experience binge eating disorder have negative feelings towards yourself and your abilities and accomplishments. Originator to excess eating can be stressful, feeling it has a bad body shape, see food or boredom.
Undergo a diet. Many people with binge eating disorder have a history of living the diet. Some of them even have excess dietary history since childhood or adolescence.
Undergoing a particular diet or restrict your calorie intake throughout the day can trigger cravings for excess food consumption. This is especially when that person has low self-esteem and depression symptoms.

Age. Although binge eating disorder can occur at any age, this condition generally first arises in late adolescence or early adulthood.
Most people with binge eating disorder have excess body weight or obese. However, a small percentage of others have normal body weight.

Signs and symptoms of emotional and behavior that are generally observed in binge eating disorder include:

Consuming food in great numbers in a specific period of time, for example in the span of 2 hours.
Feel that eating behavior is uncontrollable.
Consume food though feeling full or not hungry.
Consuming food quickly.
Consuming food to feel full and uncomfortable in the stomach.
Often eat alone or in stealth.
Feeling sad, disturbed, ashamed, guilty, or angry behavior toward eating.
Often times trying to diet, without weight loss.
Unlike the people who experience bulimia, particularly after episodes of eating to excess, not do compensated for the amount of the excess calories consumed. For example, by the way, the use of laxatives spewed out or exercise with overload.

Sometimes, the person will also try to diet or consuming a normal amount of food. However, restricting food also have the possibility to eat excess episodes more frequently.
The degree of severity of binge eating disorder is determined from the episode packed excess how often happen in one week.
To determine a diagnosis of binge eating disorder, doctors may recommend psychological evaluations to be performed in its entirety. This evaluation included discussing eating habits daily.

The doctor may also suggest doing a specific examination to evaluate the health consequences can arise from binge eating disorder. Like high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and certain other health conditions.

In addition to the detailed medical interview, the examination can be done includes the examination of fission directly, as well as the examination of blood and urine.

To determine the existence of a diagnosis of binge eating disorder, some of the points listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5) by the American Psychiatric Association are:

Recurrent episodes of food consumption in excess amounts.
Feel unable to control excess eating episodes, including the amount of food consumed and the ability to stop eating.
Excess eating episodes are associated with at least three of the factors: eat quickly, packed up to the uncomfortable sense of satiety, eating large amounts of food even though not hungry, eating alone because of embarrassment, or to feel abject, sad or guilty after consuming food.
Worried about excess eating habits.
Eat to excess at least once a week for at least three months.
Eating excess which is not followed by actions such as the deliberate vomiting, or other behavior to lose weight like sports obsessive or the use of laxatives.
The purpose of the handling of binge eating disorder is to reduce excess eating episodes. Sometimes when needed, handling is done also to lose weight.

In addition, because eating to excess is often associated with shyness, poor self-image, and other negative emotions, handling can also be aimed at addressing such matters as well as other psychological problems. Several types of treatment can be done on binge eating disorder are:

• Psychotherapy. Speech therapy or psychotherapy can help change the behavior of less well be better, and reduce excess eating episodes.

Some examples of psychotherapy are cognitive behavior therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotherapy, behavior therapy or absence.

• Treatment. Doctors can prescribe certain treatments to help control symptoms, depending on various factors such as the degree of severity, the presence of other complaints, and so on.

• Weight loss programs-based behavior. Many individuals with the binge eating disorder have a history of failed weight loss by itself.

Therefore, weight loss program-based behavior conducted with supervision from a professional medical personnel can ensure that nutritional needs are met but not a fixed body of excess.

Although there is no way that proved capable of completely to avoid binge eating disorder, a person experiencing symptoms of eating excess food are advised to consult with professionals who can handle it.

Someone who suffered the condition need support to live healthy lifestyles as well as handling professional before his condition got worse. In addition, a person who has a child also advised to always foster lifestyles and patterns of healthy eating in children, so that they grow into healthy individuals and have an ideal weight.

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