How to treat puffy eyes that feel Pain

How to treat puffy eyes there are many methods, ranging from using eye drops, cucumber, Aloe Vera, and so on. Treat sore eyes with eye drops sometimes only less effective, especially if the pain is severe enough, and it's also more effective for sore red eyes instead of puffy eyes. To treat puffy eyes thus it would be better to use alternative ways, such as with cucumber, Aloe Vera, can also with an eye cream that contains vitamin e. it will we discuss further below.

Puffy eyes are indeed very annoying, not just pain, heat or poignant, but typically it will also interfere with your appearance. It also would be very disruptive to your daily activity, any work you do. Puffy eyes can be caused by many different things, generally due to infection, trauma (hit by hard objects), and because of allergies. Puffy eyes should immediately be treated before it grew worse.

How To Treat Puffy Eyes Lighter

The first handling to overcome any discomfort because puffy eyes are actually not difficult. For first aid that you can do at home, you can wash your face with ice water. After that try to drink plenty of water, be replaced with a soft drink, soda, or other sweet drinks. Then you can paste the teabag dampened cold water on a swollen eyelid. Feel the freshness and the way it assessed quite effective to relieve puffy eyes

How to treat puffy eyes and pain that others can try is by using an eye cream that contains vitamin E, you can buy it in pharmacies, apply on the perimeter of a swollen eye. Don't forget to read the instructions for usage. Aloe Vera is certainly competent to help relieve sore eyes swollen. Vitamins and nutrients found in Aloe Vera suitable for curing sore eyes You are also able to provide the needed humidity to the eye. Usage of Aloe Vera leaf is cut, apply the resin to around the eyes with your hands, don't forget to wash your hands first before, could also use the cloth. If it starts to dry the resin, you can rub it again.

You can also utilize the cucumbers and potatoes. A small piece of raw potato or cucumber, raw, and then paste it on your eyelids are swollen for some time. After it's release and did several times until Your puffy eyes subsiding. Or you can also use a metal spoon cooled in the refrigerator, then attach the scoop on your eyelids. This way it is believed can relieve pain and heat that You feel when your eyes swell.

For how to treat puffy eyes next door, you can do the same thing with which has been described above, simply do a swollen section only.

Efficacy of betel leaf, Soursop, and Leaves the skin Mangosteen for puffy eyes
When you start to feel pain, heat or painful when your eyes begin swelling, you must hurry in order to treat swellings to subside soon. If not, it will probably happen other things more dangerous because swelling is one of the symptoms of eye tissue damage. Well, in addition to how to treat the eyes simply as already described above, it turns out that there is another way that is using the benefits of soursop leaf, betel leaves, and the skin of the mangosteen.

Efficacy of betel leaf, soursop, and leaves the skin of the mangosteen is actually usable for many health benefits. And one of them is to how to treat puffy eyes. Betel leaf and soursop can help relieve swollen eyelids because both contain anti-inflammatory substances, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-virus also can help relieve pain, kill bacteria and relieve inflammation in the case of swollen eyelids. You can boil the leaves and then drink a little water, and also apply a little water decoction results around your eyes, do it several times a day.

The mangosteen rind contains compounds called xanthone, a compound that is known to contain high levels of antioxidants that are able to fight free radicals. In addition, vitamin B1, B2, C, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron and also judged quite effective to help relieve swollen eyelids. However, of course, you couldn't use it on a ' raw ', and you are advised to buy herbal medicines made from the rind of the mangosteen.

The Various Causes Of Eyelid Swelling

Above has been discussed various ways of treating puffy eyes, then what are the causes of puffy eyes so you can do prevention at a later date? Swollen eyelids are also referred to by the term periorbital, and disorders of the eye usually occur because there is an edema excess fluid or on the connective tissue around the eyes. Parts of the eye are most commonly affected by this disorder is around the eyelids. Therefore this eyes disorders also often referred to as the eyelids swollen.
There are many things that can cause puffy eyes, including trauma, infection, other injuries occur around the eyes. And you should know that most problems that cause inflammation in the eye will have an impact on the swelling of the eyelids, eyelid swelling although more often occur because of allergies. When a person is allergic to a thing, the eyes will usually be red, itchy and swell. The result of swelling that occurs on the eyelids, you may experience a mild swelling even there is also potentially threaten the vision of Your Senses.

So you can be more alert and know how to treat puffy eyes, you should know in advance some of the main causes of the occurrence of swollen eyelids.

The first is the allergy. As already discussed in the last paragraph before, allergy can also make the eyes itch, be painful and also swell. Usually, an allergy occurs when the immune system is overreacting to a foreign substance called an allergen with the term. The cause of allergies, in General, include dust, pollen, animal fur, eye drops are not suitable, contact lenses, even makeup face can trigger the onset of allergies. As a result of the eyes will become swollen, red and watery as well.

Furthermore, there is a problem which is called conjunctivas or pink eye. This eye disorder occurs due to inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear layer from the surface of the eye. The symptoms that occur usually watery eyes, red and itchy. In addition, there is also the term styles, a reddish bump that occurs at the edge of the eyelids. This eye disorder caused by bacterial infection and also inflammation that occurs in the gland meibum.

So the article on how to treat puffy eyes and also a variety of cause, hopefully, this article can be useful for you.

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