This is the most powerful Cure Boils, Resolve to your satisfaction

Has boils very certainly interfere with Your activities and each activity. Even in some people who have problems serious ulcers can induce fever, a feeling of malaise and lazy to have activity.

The following will be presented an explanation of the process of occurrence ulcers, boils to how to resolve to your satisfaction, how to prevent boils back as well as how to clean wounds ulcers that burst with good and true.

How Does The Process Of Occurrence Ulcers?
Boils or abscesses are red bumps on the skin that contain pus. Boils occur when there is bacterial infection Staphylococcus aureus on the skin follicles or pores of the porous place grew hair on the skin. Ulcers can also form on open cuts or sores scratch that got no treatment well. Pain and thick taste on the skin will usually accompany the emergence of this disease.
The process of occurrence ulcers starting from soft red bumps on the skin which gradually becomes louder. Then from the middle of the lump would appear white-tops containing pus and will break down by itself. Not rarely also will not appear to peak white, and pus must be removed through minor surgery.

Ulcers can occur anywhere, on the entire human body. Case always the location where the occurrence of ulcers is the location of the escape from the cleaning process the body while showering. On the sidelines of the toes and hands, back and buttocks even underarm or arm folds.

The disease can be transmitted through the ulcers of bodily fluids. So always keep clean and not alternating in using towels or clothing is one way to prevent transmission of boils.

Then, How To Treat Boils?
Ulcers can be cured with an easy and simple way. The first step is to wait until the sores broke out in itself. While waiting for an outbreak of boils, you can carry out the following:

Compress Boils with warm water
Implement compress with warm water may accelerate the outbreak of boils. Warm water will dilate the blood vessels leading to the location of ulcers, so smoothly this blood flow circulation will speed up the outbreak of boils by itself.

You can compress boils by using clean gauze soaked in warm water as much as 3 times in a day. When you need to add salt to warm water. Due to the nature of the antibacterial salt will help accelerate the process of inflammation and prevent ongoing infection in boils.

Onion, garlic, and turmeric
Onion, garlic, and turmeric is a natural ingredient that can help accelerate the outbreak of boils. A bitter taste and antibacterial content on these natural ingredients capable of accelerating the process of inflammation and prevent sores from the infection.

Enough with the cut turmeric, shallots or garlic horizontally and apply on the skin around the boils and ulcers are capable of accelerating boils broke out on its own. If necessary consume food containing the ingredient's third to help speed up the process of inflammation in your body.

Oil Wasps
Oil traditional herbal medicine is wasps Indonesia which has been proven in overcoming and accelerating outbreak of boils. In the wasps contained oil coconut oil, eucalyptus oil, clove and various foliage of herbs like turmeric, ginger, pepper, and onions.

In coconut oil contains vitamin A and vitamin E helps moisturize skin, the content of coconut oil is very easily absorbed into the skin. So with oil smeared the wasps, then automatically the content of anti-infection, antiseptic and anti-germs contained in other natural ingredients will be easily absorbed into the skin so quickly will treat the inflammation that occurs in boils.

Antibiotic Ointment
If you experience a sore the size of a very large, repetitive and spread in some parts of the body. The doctor will prescribe the use of antibiotic ointment to solve Your ulcers. If the condition experiencing complications, ulcers needed antibiotic drugs that you have to drink in accordance with the dosage prescribed by your doctor.
The condition is recurring and large ulcers can occur due to various factors, among others such as metabolic disorders diabetes and immune disorders can be the cause of ulcers is great and repeating. Specific checks needed to find out the cause of the large recurring boils.

A Few Steps Clean The Wound After The Sores Broke Out
Clean the wound after the sores broke you can perform easily and independently. Of course, there will be a little bit of pain in the process of cleaning the wound. However, it is still mandatory to be implemented. The following steps of cleaning the wounds of boils that you can do:

Use a Gauze moistened with clean water
When the pus out of the boils that broke, do not directly hold the location of the dirty hands with ulcers. Clean your hands before touching the wound. Then clean the pus with a clean gauze moistened with water. In addition to the water, you can use infusion fluid or alcohol to clean the wounds ulcers.

Pus is white blood cells and bacteria are dead due to the process of inflammation. If not cleaned the pus will be a hotbed of bacteria and cause further complications on the wound.

Pat dry the wound with Gauze
After the pus from the sores clean, dry the wound with gauze to dry another. Make sure there is no pus left in the area in the boils. If you need to squeeze the blood out of the wound until the blood and exhausted. Draining sores can prevent infections on wounds sustained. If it does not have a gauze, you can use a clean cloth.

Cover the wound with Gauze and replace Routine
Cover the wound with a clean gauze, ulcers to avoid dirty wounds exposed to dust or other infections. Avoid exposure to water and damp gauze. And don't forget to replace the dried gauze with new gauze once in a day. Equal treatment for boils that are smaller, because the wound open former boils can be a source of infection to another.

The Consumption Of Healthy Foods High In Protein
Foods high in protein is needed during the process of wound healing. Protein is the major nutrients indispensable body. The amino acids in the protein are needed on the process of draining wounds, wound closure and cessation of bleeding.

In addition to the protein, the healing process of wounds also takes on the role of vitamin K for the drying process and speed up the process of closing the wound. In addition to hemoglobin is also urgently needed as the carrier transfer oxygen on the location of the wound to help the formation of new cells.

Foods that contain lots of protein include meat animal, it also nuts – nuts contain lots of vegetable protein. In general the human normal and healthy requires a protein intake of 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. As for the elderly aged over 50 years requires the intake of protein as much as 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day.

Unlike for patients who are in the process of healing the wounds, because the protein is needed the patient could develop up to 1.5 grams – 2 grams per kilo of body weight each day. For patients with serious injuries, such as wound infection, serious burns require protein intake up to 3 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

Food Allergy Alert
Ulcers can also be caused by an allergy to food. Avoid some foods that trigger the allergy yourself to prevent the occurrence of ulcers. Some of the material contains a protein that is easy to cause an allergic form of ulcers among other poultry eggs, food ingredients such as shrimp and seafood meat poultry.

Thus information on treating ulcers with ease. Maintain the cleanliness of the body with regular and thorough will avoid you from the onset of ulcers that are very annoying and painful. Hopefully useful!

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