Types of sports Diet OCD to get maximum results

Diet sports OCD is done to compensate for the diet program OCD so the results you get at the end will be more optimally. The creator of the diet program OCD, Deddy Corbuzier ever made a list of recommendations for the types of sports that match done when you do a program of OCD. To get the maximum OCD diet like the one obtained by the creator himself, the effort you do must also be a maximum and not just simply try it. Although it may seem trivial, but the diet is one of the things or activities seriously. In General, the diet is done to get the ideal body, a body that no longer are overweight or obese. To this day there have been many diet programs once you probably know. But in Indonesia, OCD is one of the most phenomenal. Deddy Corbuzier which in fact is known as a magician and not a nutritionist or health professionals, are able to make a diet program using the method of fasting to lose weight fast. However, the recommended method of fasting in the OCD turns out to be a more fruitful maximum when balanced with exercise. Then what is the purpose of the exercise in the diet of OCD? And what kind of exercise recommended by Deddy Corbuzier? The following detailed information.

12 types of sports Diet OCD to compensate for Fasting
As discussed earlier, other than with fast turns OCD should also be balanced by way of exercising. Deddy Corbuzier but it will make its own groups totaling about 12 kinds of sports what coco diet to compensate for the OCD. This exercise aims to help the process of pemakaran the fat and also helps the formation of muscles of the body. So in addition to the excess weight you will be progressively reduced, your body can also be a more ideal and athletic like Deddy Corbuzier. Some types of sports suggested by Deddy Corbuzier is a kind of sports with simple movements. And here is some kind of exercise diet OCD you can do.

Jumping Jacks
Start with the body stands upright and both hands with palms teruka on the side. After that melompatlah while opening a foot to the right and to the left and the zemarite menepukkan both hands above Your head. Do this movement about 30 seconds which aims to train your muscles as a whole.
Wall Sit
Diet sports movement OCD is also simple, do the sitting position by holding your body in the wall for approximately 30 seconds. The function of this movement was to train the muscles of the lower body.

Push Up
This one sports the movement certainly need not be explained because most of you certainly already know how the motion of the push up. Do also push up movements for 30 seconds in order to train the muscles of the upper body.

Abdominal Crunch
This movement is very similar to sit up, but both hands are not placed at the back of the head. Second hand straightened forward positions with palms open. Then do the same movement with sit ups for 30 seconds with the purpose of training the abdominal muscles.

Set-up Chair Onto
To do a sports diet OCD on this one you need a Chair as the medium. Place the seat in front of You, and stand upright in a chair right in front of them. Then climb to the Chair with a footstool of your feet. Do it repeatedly for 30 seconds.
The squat is a movement from a standing position to a position half squats and then stood up again. As you stand second position your hand on the side of the body, and then when the half squat julurkan Your hands forward with palms open. Do the squat movement also for 30 seconds so that the muscle under the more trained.
This movement is quite unique, similar to the push up position but upside down and with the media seats. To do a sports diet OCD on this one, put a Chair behind you. Hold the front of the seat and then do up and down movements with the object of both your hands. Just like other movements, the movement is also done for 30 seconds in order to train the muscles of the upper part.

Planking is also similar to the push up, which became the object of a second hand too. But the object is not located in the Palm of your hand but with both your elbows. Do the movement up and down like while doing push ups. Do this movement for 30 seconds will train Your body muscle balance.
High Knees Running in Place
If interpreted in the language of Indonesia, the sports movement diet OCD this one may have meaning lift heels high while running in place. Running on the spot within 30 minutes cardio will train.

Position your body upright, and then do one of your knees folding movement and one other in the legs fold up your knees touch the floor. But the position in order to keep your body upright. This movement will train the muscle bottom part when done routinely for 30 seconds.

Push Up and Rotation
Next up is the push up movements and rotation. His movement is not difficult, first do push up as usual. Then replace the movement with the body inclined position and just resting with one hand. Do for 30 minutes to train Your muscles up.

Side Planking
The latter is the movement of the side planking. Movement is the same as the planking, i.e. resting with the elbow. However in doing the side planking position your body tilted to the right or to the left.

Sports Schedule Tips Set OCD
The sports movement named the O7W turns out to be coupled with breathing exercises, lifting weights and also hit sports. In addition to regulating the diet schedule OCD, it turns out you also disarnkan in order to set up Your sports schedule. Deddy Corbuzier for it else give examples of how the diet sports schedule OCD you have to do.

On the first day you are advised to perform movements that train chest and triceps as well. The second day did O7W movements as already described above. In the next days with the back muscles and biceps exercises. The fourth day, fifth day O7W exercise exercise the shoulders and triceps muscles. The next day doing the movements O7W again, and on the seventh day you are advised to train the muscles of your feet. Thus the results diet OCD you will be maximum.

In addition to the weight going down, by doing your sport will also be helped to be able to form your body to be more ideal and more athletic. So, the article on diet tips exercise OCD. Congratulations to exercise and good diet OCD You success!

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